2020 - 2021 SCHOOL YEAR

Dear Parents,

It is our goal at Tiferes Mordechai to keep all of our children and staff as healthy and safe as possible.  The following is our health and wellness policy in accordance with the New York State Department of Health.


If your child is exhibiting any symptoms at school such as vomiting, diarrhea and/or fever, you will be asked to pick him/her up from school. We ask that you do not send your son/daughter to school if he/she exhibits one or more of the following symptoms:

Appearance and Behavior: If your child is unusually tired, pale or has a decreased appetite
it may indicate the onset of a virus or illness.

Fever: If your child has a fever, do not send him/her back to school until their temperature is normal for 24 hours without taking medication.Diarrhea: If your child has 2 or more watery bowel movements in a 24 hour period, they must remain home, especially if they also have nausea.  If there is an accompanying fever see your healthcare provider.

Vomiting: If your child has vomited in the past 24 hours due to an illness or upset stomach, they must remain home. If there is an accompanying fever see your healthcare provider.

Eyes: If your child has mucus or pus coming from the eyes – this may be an eye infection that requires antibiotic treatment.  Your child should remain home until seen by a healthcare provider and antibiotics have been administered for a 24 hour period.

Nasal Drainage: If your child has drainage that is not clear, but yellow or green accompanied by a fever he/she should see your healthcare provider.

Sore Throat: If your child has a sore throat with fever and/or swollen glands, he/she should stay home and see a healthcare provider. The flu can be treated if anti-viral medication is started early.  If your child has been diagnosed with Strep Throat, he or she must be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school.

Rash: If your child exhibits a body rash, especially with fever or itching, he/she should remain at home and be assessed by your healthcare provider. A heat rash is not contagious and if there is no itching, your child may attend school.

Ear Infections without Fever: Unless your child has ear pain, they may come to school but you should see your healthcare provider to ensure your child does not need antibiotics.

Lice/Nits: If your child has a case of lice, they must remain home until free of all nits and a note from a physician or lice checker is provided. The school arranges lice checking 3-4 times yearly at the cost of $15 per student.


Please note that if your child has a medical emergency during school hours, the school will seek immediate appropriate medical attention as well as contact all parents.

If your child has had any of the above mentioned symptoms at home, they may not return to school until they are symptom free for 24 hours.

If a child was sent home early due to any of the above symptoms, they may not return to school the next day. 

Please do not hesitate to contact the office if you have any questions or concerns.

Please read our policy thoroughly, sign and date the acknowledgement and return it to school with your registration packet.



The Tiferes Mordechai Administration

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